Artists' Work
T to Z
Paintings are original unless otherwise stated.

Kenneth Taber
Palm Bay, FL
I create unique hand-cut original one of a kind marquetry and inlay in my Palm Bay, Florida studio. Twenty years into my career in architectural woodwork I began making marquetry and intarsia inlays for custom furniture, and upon retiring in 2008, fine art marquetry became my preferred artistic medium. My compositions are often inspired or influenced by both traditional and contemporary artists, including musicians and architects, with resounding music and hushed seascapes among my favorite subjects.
The natural and dyed veneers that I use come to me primarily from the scraps of plywood manufacturers, cabinet shops, and boatyards, which reduces their waste and offers my palette a broad, otherwise costly diversity. Particular grain patterns often suggest to me what they might become; as sand, sea, sun, sail, or sky, or the points where they seem to meet.
My participation in juried shows began in 2011, and my works in both marquetry and painting have won several awards since then, including First Place in Mixed Media at the Sebastian River Art Club's 2017 First Annual Beautiful Lagoon Show, for my mixed media seascape titled "Sympatico."

Donna Ware
Sebastian, FL
Donna Ware grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She attended two years of college at Bucks County Community College, receiving an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. She married her high school sweetheart in 1975, and continued her studies at Rider University while working full time. Over the next six years she attained a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry and a Master's Degree in Business.
In 1985 Donna began to take an interest in art, workingd in ceramics until 1990. When her two children became full-time students, she went back to work full time in the chemical industry. During this time she continued taking art classes, concentrating on watercolor painting. She retired to the Eastern Shore of Virginia in 2004, and there joined the Eastern Shore Art League. She became friends with the many supportive artists there, where she socialized monthly in paint-outs and excursions to nature preserves and gardens.
As a Master Naturalist, she spent many volunteer hours outdoors with nature, helping to spread environmental awareness and responsibility in her community. This has inspired her and can be seen in her paintings of flowers, birds and butterflies, and her water landscapes. She is a resident of Sebastian, Florida and is a member of the Sebastian River Art Club.

Shirley Warwick
Sebastian, FL
Telephone: 772-589-7593

Linda Salsbury Weinstein began her career in pottery in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, in the early 1970’s under the instruction of Edrich Roberts, a well known functional potter from the island of Antiqua. When returning stateside, she continued classes at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Hand Workshop in Richmond, Virginia. She was fortunate to have had Joel Moses and David Camden as instructors.
In August, 2011, she attended Penland School outside of Asheville, NC for classes in intensive throwing and altering techniques. She was instructed by Tom White and several visiting exceptional potters. Now from her studio in Barefoot Bay, FL, she continues to enjoy the creative aspect of forming something unique from the earth, usually with a tropical element, that can be permanently enjoyed.

Z. Melinda Witter works in acrylics. Fourteen years ago, she put down her brushes to obtain her Executive Master’s in International Service. She served twelve years as a conflict resolution / humanitarian aid professional in Iraq and Afghanistan with the specialty in peacebuilding, healing through creative expression, and trauma work. Although her life in war zones is challenging, she experiences an abundance of joy with her work.
Upon returning to the U.S., she paints as a means of creative expression, incorporating meditation and spiritual practices into her artwork, also known as AshkiArt (LoveArt). Several of her paintings portray abstraction, while others represent interpretative and remembrance art styles. This personal reflection expressed in her art is founded in mindfulness and nature based meditation.
Z. Melinda Witter is a resident of Sebastian, where she is studying for her PhD.