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September 2024 SRAC Art Classes

All classes are $15 for members, $20 for non-members, unless otherwise noted. Please contact the individual teacher to register and for a supply list. Classes may be canceled due to under-attendance.



  • Archibald Classes require a minimum of 4 Students to take place  

  • Tent. Means TENTATIVE

  • Lolly Walton, Beginning Watercolor Classes, Call 321-652-7115  if you have any questions.

  • Any questions for Janet Jamil, you may email her at:


Call our Sebastian River Art Club office at 772-321-9333 for additional class information, as our classes are always being updated.  Office and gallery hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-2:30. Classes are $15 each for members, $20 for non members, unless otherwise noted!

Tues 9/3           9am- 12            Class:  Advanced Watercolor

Instructor: Jean Archibald  (561) 212-0915

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  Intermediate/Advanced

Class for intermediate and advanced watercolor artists that come for guidance in improving their existing style. Emphasis on learning to pay attention to values in your subject before you start a painting, literally dissecting the subject and observing the different values before you start.

Supplies:  Watercolors, brushes, paper towels, water containers. Either 300 or 140 pound watercolor paper recommended, but 300 is suggested for its strength and blending properties. Also water containers, watercolor brushes…#0, 1, 2, 3, 6, Flat# 2, 4, 6, 8.  One large 1 inch Flat brush for washes, gum eraser, wax free tracing paper, graphite pencil, fine red pen such as Pilot pens for tracing, box Kleenex, paper towels.

Recommend choosing a subject of one’s own as it may then be entered into shows, however the instructor can supply a subject for those who do not bring their own. Subjects provided in a class are not allowed in shows.


Tues 9/3           1pm- 4pm        Class:  Watercolor Techniques

Instructor: Lolly Walton  (321) 652-7115

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  All levels welcomed

Want to unleash your creativity? Take a class with an experienced watercolor artist and teacher. Objective: Focus on learning basic w/c techniques. The class is taught in a fun, and relaxed environment. We will focus on the elements of a landscape…..grass, trees, skies, water, rocks, rain, etc.  Each students will be asked to finish a half sheet size landscape painting.  After that we will move on to watercolor “abstracts”. Lolly guarantees that watercolor will become your “best friend” and provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment!!!

Supplies: Supply list provided upon request


Thurs 9/5         9am- 12            Class:  Fix My Painting

Instructors: Susan Lavender & Sheila Lougheed  (772) 388-0695  (203) 648-3138

Medium: Acrylics, Oil, Mixed Media, Watercolor

Level:  Any and All

Description: Fun class to finish old paintings or start something new! We focus on composition, texture, tone, spontaneity and technique. We give each person permission to continue, or start over, and promote expressive, inspirational and intuitive work.

Supplies: basic supplies in medium of choice – to include paper, canvas, water container, paper towels, etc.


Thurs 9/5         12:30-3:30pm   Class: Soft Pastel

Instructor: Lana McLeod (720) 935-1730

Medium: Soft Pastel

Description: Come and enjoy playing and creating with adult chalk , A.K.A. Pastels. Pastels are fun and forgiving, making them a wonderful painting medium! Each class includes a short lecture and demo on subjects that will improve your technique in bringing your masterpiece to life.

Class subject examples:   *Values and Hues, *Buildings in a landscape, *How to create distance and depth,   *Water reflection with soft pastels, *What's an underpainting?*How to Frame a soft pastel painting

Supplies:  Your painting will only be as good as your tools are. So take the time to invest in good pastels and paper. Suggested student supply list:

Reference photo: something that inspires you! Printed or on an Ipad or phone, Paper towels or a hand towel, rag size,Baby wipes,Artist tape or painter's tape. White or beige only! Wax paper (try the Dollar Store),16"x14" or larger masonite board (Home Depot),Ruler and or T-square,Apron or old shirt ( to protect your clothes),Gloves, Mask,Soft pastels and pastel paper.

Email Lana for suggested list of soft pastels and paper.


Sat 9/7             9:30am - 12      Class:  Back To Basics In Oil

Instructor: Joyce Clamp:

Medium: Oils

Level: Beginner but open to everyone.

Description: We will be painting an EGG, using the Zorn pallet, which consists of four colors. This is an exercise to help with line, tone, value and edge.  You will learn to mix color using this limited pallet of four colors.

Supply List: Paper towels, Baby wipes,Table easel, Small amount of paint thinner or Turpentine

Container for water, One round line brush and two #6 filbert brushes and a dagger brush.

Three canvas panels 6x6 or 5x7  (Prime the panels with acrylic Burnt Sienna before the class.)

Regular oils, or Water based oil: White, Yellow ocher, Cadmium red, Black, One hard boiled Brown egg.


Sat 9/7             12:15- 3pm       Members Only Open Studio


Tues 9/10         9am-12             Class: Painting the Classics

Instructor:    Richard Gillmor  772-268-0992

Medium: Acrylics

Level: Intermediate

Description: Richard will supply pictures of paintings by famous deceased artists like Monet and Picasso for students to be inspired by. 

Supplies: 9 x12, 11 by 14 or 16 by 20 canvas, acrylic paints and brushes



Tues 9/10         1pm- 4pm        Class:  Watercolor Techniques

Instructor: Lolly Walton  (321) 652-7115

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  All levels welcomed

Want to unleash your creativity? Take a class with an experienced watercolor artist and teacher. Objective: Focus on learning basic w/c techniques. The class is taught in a fun, and relaxed environment. We will focus on the elements of a landscape…..grass, trees, skies, water, rocks, rain, etc.  Each students will be asked to finish a half sheet size landscape painting.  After that we will move on to watercolor “abstracts”. Lolly guarantees that watercolor will become your “best friend” and provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment!!!

Supplies: Supply list provided upon request


Thurs 9/12       9am- 12            Class:  Fix My Painting

Instructors: Susan Lavender & Sheila Lougheed  (772) 388-0695  (203) 648-3138

Medium: Acrylics, Oil, Mixed Media, Watercolor

Level:  Any and All

Description: Fun class to finish old paintings or start something new! We focus on composition, texture, tone, spontaneity and technique. We give each person permission to continue, or start over, and promote expressive, inspirational and intuitive work.

Supplies: basic supplies in medium of choice – to include paper, canvas, water container, paper towels, etc.


Thurs 9/12       5:30  Members’ Business Meeting


Sat 9/14           CENTENNIAL SHOW   10-3   SRAC Instructors’ Show and Demos


Sat 9/14           12:15- 3pm       No Members Open Studio


Tues 9/17         9am- 12            Class:  Advanced Watercolor

Instructor: Jean Archibald  (561) 212-0915

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  Intermediate/Advanced

Class for intermediate and advanced watercolor artists that come for guidance in improving their existing style. Emphasis on learning to pay attention to values in your subject before you start a painting, literally dissecting the subject and observing the different values before you start.

Supplies:  Watercolors, brushes, paper towels, water containers. Either 300 or 140 pound watercolor paper recommended, but 300 is suggested for its strength and blending properties. Also water containers, watercolor brushes…#0, 1, 2, 3, 6, Flat# 2, 4, 6, 8.  One large 1 inch Flat brush for washes, gum eraser, wax free tracing paper, graphite pencil, fine red pen such as Pilot pens for tracing, box Kleenex, paper towels.

Recommend choosing a subject of one’s own as it may then be entered into shows, however the instructor can supply a subject for those who do not bring their own. Subjects provided in a class are not allowed in shows.


Tues 9/17         1pm- 4pm        Class:  Watercolor Techniques

Instructor: Lolly Walton  (321) 652-7115

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  All levels welcomed

Want to unleash your creativity? Take a class with an experienced watercolor artist and teacher. Objective: Focus on learning basic w/c techniques. The class is taught in a fun, and relaxed environment. We will focus on the elements of a landscape…..grass, trees, skies, water, rocks, rain, etc.  Each students will be asked to finish a half sheet size landscape painting.  After that we will move on to watercolor “abstracts”. Lolly guarantees that watercolor will become your “best friend” and provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment!!!

Supplies: Supply list provided upon request


Thurs 9/19       9am- 12            Class:  Fix My Painting

Instructors: Susan Lavender & Sheila Lougheed  (772) 388-0695  (203) 648-3138

Medium: Acrylics, Oil, Mixed Media, Watercolor

Level:  Any and All

Description: Fun class to finish old paintings or start something new! We focus on composition, texture, tone, spontaneity and technique. We give each person permission to continue, or start over, and promote expressive, inspirational and intuitive work.

Supplies: basic supplies in medium of choice – to include paper, canvas, water container, paper towels, etc.


Thurs 9/19       12:30-3:30pm   Class: Soft Pastel

Instructor: Lana McLeod (720) 935-1730

Medium: Soft Pastel

Description: Come and enjoy playing and creating with adult chalk , A.K.A. Pastels. Pastels are fun and forgiving, making them a wonderful painting medium! Each class includes a short lecture and demo on subjects that will improve your technique in bringing your masterpiece to life.

Class subject examples:  :   *Values and Hues, *Buildings in a landscape, *How to create distance and depth,   *Water reflection with soft pastels, *What's an underpainting?*How to Frame a soft pastel painting

Supplies:  Your painting will only be as good as your tools are. So take the time to invest in good pastels and paper. Suggested student supply list:

Reference photo: something that inspires you! Printed or on an Ipad or phone, Paper towels or a hand towel, rag size,Baby wipes,Artist tape or painter's tape. White or beige only! Wax paper (try the Dollar Store),16"x14" or larger masonite board (Home Depot),Ruler and or T-square,Apron or old shirt ( to protect your clothes),Gloves, Mask,Soft pastels and pastel paper.

Email Lana for suggested list of soft pastels and paper.


Fri – Sat 9/20-9/21        Florida Watercolor Society Convention in St. Petersburg


Sat 9/21           12-3     Members Only Open Studio


Tues 9/24         9am- 12            Class:  Advanced Watercolor

Instructor: Jean Archibald  (561) 212-0915

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  Intermediate/Advanced

Class for intermediate and advanced watercolor artists that come for guidance in improving their existing style. Emphasis on learning to pay attention to values in your subject before you start a painting, literally dissecting the subject and observing the different values before you start.

Supplies:  Watercolors, brushes, paper towels, water containers. Either 300 or 140 pound watercolor paper recommended, but 300 is suggested for its strength and blending properties. Also water containers, watercolor brushes…#0, 1, 2, 3, 6, Flat# 2, 4, 6, 8.  One large 1 inch Flat brush for washes, gum eraser, wax free tracing paper, graphite pencil, fine red pen such as Pilot pens for tracing, box Kleenex, paper towels.

Recommend choosing a subject of one’s own as it may then be entered into shows, however the instructor can supply a subject for those who do not bring their own. Subjects provided in a class are not allowed in shows.



Tues 9/24         1pm- 4pm        Class:  Watercolor Techniques

Instructor: Lolly Walton  (321) 652-7115

Medium:  Watercolor

Level:  All levels welcomed

Want to unleash your creativity? Take a class with an experienced watercolor artist and teacher. Objective: Focus on learning basic w/c techniques. The class is taught in a fun, and relaxed environment. We will focus on the elements of a landscape…..grass, trees, skies, water, rocks, rain, etc.  Each students will be asked to finish a half sheet size landscape painting.  After that we will move on to watercolor “abstracts”. Lolly guarantees that watercolor will become your “best friend” and provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment!!!

Supplies: Supply list provided upon request


Thurs 9/26       9am- 12            Class:  Fix My Painting

Instructors: Susan Lavender & Sheila Lougheed  (772) 388-0695  (203) 648-3138

Medium: Acrylics, Oil, Mixed Media, Watercolor

Level:  Any and All

Description: Fun class to finish old paintings or start something new! We focus on composition, texture, tone, spontaneity and technique. We give each person permission to continue, or start over, and promote expressive, inspirational and intuitive work.

Supplies: basic supplies in medium of choice – to include paper, canvas, water container, paper towels, etc.

Thurs 9/26       12:30- 3:30pm  Class: BRUSHO Watercolor crystals

Instructor: Jan Jamil  703-477-1065

Medium: Watercolor

Level: All Levels

Description: Fall Themes

Supplies: Watercolor paper, watercolor paints, basic brushes, water containers, paper towels, plastic gloves (Brusho crystals are staining), Brusho crystals, (if you have them) some will be supplied by Jan.


Sat 9/28           9:30am- 12       Class: Beginning Oil

Instructer: Joyce Clamp  770-595-7035

Medium: Oils

Level: Beginner – Advanced

Description: We will be drawing and painting a simple still life provided by the teacher. Bring tracing paper, drawing paper, and pencils

Supply List: Paper towels, Baby wipes,Table easel, Small amount of paint thinner or Turpentine

Container for water, One round line brush and two #6 filbert brushes and a dagger brush.

One canvas panel 8 x 10  (Prime the panel with acrylic Burnt Sienna before the class.)

Regular oils, or Water based oil: White, Yellow ochre, Cadmium red, Black, Ultramarine blue, Cadmium Red, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna.

Sat 9/28           12:15- 3pm       Members Only Open Studio

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Gallery, Sebastian River Art Club, Sebastian, Florida

Sebastian River Art Club, Sebastian, Florida

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