Instructor: Jean Archibald
Days: Tuesday Mornings
Time Slot: 9-12
Email: keel84@aol.com
Phone: (561) 212-0915
Class Title: Advanced Watercolor
Medium: Watercolor
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
My class is for intermediate and advanced watercolor artists. The artists that attend my classes have already developed a style and come to me for guidance on how to improve on their style. Emphasis is on learning to pay attention to values in your subject before you start a painting, literally dissecting their subject and observing the different values before you start.
Weekly Detail:
140 lb or 300 lb watercolor paper
water containers
watercolor brushes…#0, 1, 2, 3, 6, Flat# 2, 4, 6, 8. One large 1 inch Flat brush for washes
gum eraser
wax free tracing paper
graphite pencil, fine red pen such as Pilot pens for tracing
Box Kleenex
Paper Towels
*Note: Either 300 or 140 pound watercolor paper is recommended but I suggest 300 pound for its strength and blending properties. I do supply a subject for those who do not bring their own, but I stress choosing a subject of one’s own as it may then be entered into shows. Class provided subjects are not allowed in shows.
Artists’ Statement:
I started my career drawing with graphite pencils and selling many of my works in CT. I then became interested in adding color to my work and entered the wonderful world of watercolors. Most of my paintings were of New England scenes at that time. I now have progressed to painting just about any subject that catches my eye even portraits of children and peoples pets.
Bio/Education & Experience:
My interest in as an artist is painting in the world of realism. As a year old girl, I began my interest painting and drawing at age 12. Then when I was in my 20s, I began drawing with graphite pencils. My drawings were realistic drawings of Indian heads, boats, New England scenes. I began showing my work at local art shows, fairs, and clubs and was awarded many ribbons for my work. Because of this I was approached and asked to join an art gallery in Simsbury, CT were several of my drawings were sold. After continuing on with graphite pencils for another year, I found an interest in painting with watercolor instead of drawing with graphite pencils. Upon moving to Florida from CT, I became a member of the Palm Beach Watercolor Society and then when relocating to Sebastian, I found the Sebastian River Art Club and was asked to teach intermediate and advanced watercolor painting to members who had an interest in realistic watercolor paintings. I have been teaching for four years and am a self taught artist. It’s been an awesome journey and I welcome those artists who are intermediate or advanced watercolor to join my class.
The watercolor classes are geared towards artists who are looking to perfect their paintings but need some guidance on how to make that happen. As teacher, I sit down with each artists and help them with a painting that they are having trouble with showing them how to remedy a problem and help them to enhance their painting by adding different colors and also explain to them what can be omitted in their subject such as insignificant areas before they begin painting. They are instructed how to “dissect” their subject before they paint by omitting superfluous objects and capitalize on zoning in on the important features of the scene or object. Artists are urged to work at their own pace, urged to bring his/her own subject that may be displayed in juried shows at the SRAC or elsewhere. Most of all it is a class for artists to paint with other artists where ideas are exchanged and as teacher, I am there to give them guidance and suggest what would make their paintings shine.
Photo of the Artist:
Photo of Artwork:
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Teacher: Maureen Fitzpatrick
Time Slot:
Email: jawafitz@gmail.com
Class Title: Yupo Workshop
Medium: Watercolors
Level: All levels
Description: Painting on yupo papers. In this workshop we will be learning the techniques of painting on this synthetic paper.
Moving the colors around in unpredictable ways. Colors dry by evaporation. You can experiment with textural effects and rework passages with ease.
Supplies: Watercolors, Yupo paper, board, tape, brushes (soft, medium, firm), 2 water containers, paper towels, old cloths, tissues. Optional: sponges, markers, alcohol ink, acrylics.
Bio/Education & Experience:
My natural talent for drawing started at an early age. In grade and high school I was in charge of all holiday decorations for the classrooms. I attended Traphagen School of
Fashion Design in New York City because I enjoyed designing and making clothes for
myself and family. While raising my three children in New Jersey, I was commissioned
to design and paint for local schools, churches and stores. When I moved to Miami, Fl.
I studied watercolor, plein-air painting at Fairchild Tropical Gardens.
I am primarily self-taught in many different mediums,but my true love is working in
pen&ink and graphite. Fascinated by the amazing trees in Florida, I let my pen glide over Bristol paper to get the details of Banyan, Strangler Figs and Mangroves. With this medium I have won many awards. I am a member of Barefoot Bay Artists’Guild,
Sebastian River Art Club and Vero Beach Art Club.
Photo of the Artist:
Photo of Artwork