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Teacher: Richard Gillmor


Days: every other Saturday morning


Time Slot: 9am-12  Saturdays as scheduled



Phone: ​(772) 918-3148


Class Title: Draw What You See

Medium: Pencil, charcoal etc.

Level: Basic to Advanced


Description Umbrella: 

A basic to advanced class using either paper and pencil or graphite, charcoal, etc.  

Weekly Detail: (for September to start off)

Instructor provides the subjects to draw, some easy, some hard, and teaches things like perspective and the fine points of light and shadow in composition



Sketchbook and pencils


Richard Gillmor will teach a drawing class on alternating Saturdays.  The morning class is scheduled to meet from 9 am till 12 on several Saturday mornings each month.  The classes will meet in the community room adjoining the Art Center at 1245 Main St. in Sebastian.  Cost of the class is $20.00 for nonmembers $15 for Sebastian art club members.  A sketch pad and pencils or charcoal/graphite are required.  Richard will supply the subjects to be drawn, some easy some hard, and will teach on perspective and light and shade properties in composition.  Register by phone at (772) 918-3148, e-mail at or sign in 10 minutes before class.


Richard Gillmor
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